For Individuals Looking to Lose Excess Fat and Reverse Health Diseases

Get Slimmer, Healthier, and Medication-Free by Using Tailored Nutrition Plans in under 90 Days

Discover how our holistic approach to diet and nutrition can help you achieve your health goals without supplements or restrictive diets.
✅ Supplement Free
✅ Remove Excess Body Fat
✅ Natural & Clean Diet Plans

Does This Sound Like You?

Overweight and low energy

Shabby appearance and low productivity

Dependent on medication

Lifestyle diseases (diabetes, high BP, high cholesterol, etc.)

Compromise in eating habits

Early body aging signs

Happy & Healthy Customers

Here’s What You Can Expect…

Increased Energy Levels: Feel more energetic and productive throughout the day.

Reduced Dependency on Medication: Transition to a medicine-free life with improved health.

Customized Diet Plans: Eat foods you love without strict restrictions or supplements.

Weight Loss and Disease Reversal: Achieve your desired weight and combat lifestyle diseases.

Improved Appearance: Look and feel better with a healthier body.

Stress Management: Learn techniques to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Meet Dr. Dt. Sheenu Sanjeev

Dr. Dt. Sheenu Sanjeev

Founder, Director
Disease Reversal Expert
(Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath Doctor)
Diabetes Educator)
Ph.D .(Biomedical Science, Delhi University),
M.SC, BNYS, DDHN, CDE, Energy Healer,
Certified Fitness Coach, Grand Master Lamafera Healing, LOA Coach.

Meet Dr. Dt. Sheenu Sanjeev

25+ yrs Experience

Helped More than 22k people across 14 countries

Trained 15000+ Healthprenuer

84 Dietitians & Nutritionist Across India

Dr. Dt. Sheenu Sanjeev, a holistic Dietician-Nutritionist with over 18 years of experience, champions the power of “Ghar Ka Khana” for preventing and curing clinical challenges.

Founder of Healthyfy® Solutions, she educates and inspires individuals to embrace natural food and lifestyle choices for holistic wellness.

With expertise in skin cancer, diabetes, and stress management, she empowers a growing community to lead healthier lives worldwide.

Guest & Speaker
– Awarded with Bharat Gaurav Shri Ratn Samman in 2022
– Women Entrepreneur award 2020
– ⁠National Service Excellence Award for Healthyfy®️ Solutions as Leading Diet -Nutrition centre
– India’s Health care Excellence Award for Best Dietitian & Nutritionist North India 2018

How Are We Different?

🟢 Customized Nutrition Programs: Tailored to your body needs, time routine, and personal preferences.

🟢 No Supplements or Restrictive Diets: Based on home food without any artificial supplements.

🟢 Holistic Approach: Focused on the root cause of problems, including stress management and physical activity.

🟢 Expert Guidance: Receive personalized advice from experienced nutritionists.

🟢 Lifestyle Improvement: Beyond diet, we help you with lifestyle changes that lead to long-term success.

🟢 Flexible Plans: Adapts to your busy schedule without compromising results.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, our programs are based on home food without any supplements or restrictive diets.

Our plans are flexible and customized to fit your lifestyle and preferences.

Most clients notice significant changes within the first 30 days.

We create personalized plans that take into account your dietary needs and restrictions.

Our approach focuses on holistic health, including stress management and physical activity tailored to your needs.

Healthy Lifestyle Made Easy


Don’t wait till it’s too late.

Look after your healthy seriously today!
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